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                       Domain Names

It is vital that you secure a great domain name for your brand. 1Netz uses one of the top three hosting companies for hosting your website and domain name. There are common mistakes owners make when choosing a domain name and hosting. We walk you through this process with precession.


There are many different websites platforms and WordPress is 70% of the websites online. Google recognizes WordPress first. WordPress is configured to give Goole what it looks for when it crawls WordPress sites. WordPress SEO combined with the experience of the 1Netz team will give your brand a competitive edge. 

                            Content Guru

The days of having to figure out or have an English Major write the content for your site are over. We can assist you in providing the content that you need by searching the internet to produce dynamic content that will enhance the vision of your brand. 

                          Website Training

As a next-generation brand leader, you will need to be able to login to the backend of your website. You will need to know what is going on as far as the robust WordPress Technology, after your site has launched, we will get you up to speed via live screen share and tutorial.

                          Site Functions

WordPress is open source, meaning the development process is open for developers to develop plugins to be used on their websites. Thousands of developers develop plugins for every need almost virtually possible. In short, you have over twenty thousand functions at your fingertips, most for free to get started.

                   Brand Design & Strategy

As a next-generation brand leader, you demand the best in the industry when it comes to WordPress development. Our team is dedicated to your success. We use proven methods and research and development to bend WordPress to an access that will be the core of your operation.

                   Audience Analytics

Jetpack is the force that WordPress depends on for website traffic analytics from how many hits a day to where they come from. Jetpack has you covered while the basic version is enough for most brands, there is an upgrade available for the next level.



For protection, 1Netz has a standard combination for website security. Jetpack security is built in for the first level, then we use two plugins that provide complete protection. If your website requires hire protection there are multiple options that can take you into bank level security. 


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